The Word Works

Consuming Japan


Proper Dreams

Published By: wordworker on 04/13/06
Categories: Consumers

What should Japanese consumers be looking forward to in the year 2010? Nikkei TRENDY suggests…image

The 250th issue of Nikkei TRENDY is a retrospective looking back over the hit products and trends of the year 1987-2005. The cover headlines the story “We look ahead to everyday life in 2010! Proper Dreams for Japan.” What are those dreams? The first is space travel. TRENDY predicts that by 2010, flights into outer space will be widely available at about the cost of a high-class, luxury automobile. Other new products and services will appear. Examples include buttonless cell phones, homes whose lighting and heating costs are zero, treatments that eliminate baldness and wrinkles, highways free of traffic accidents, and shopping centers transformed into towns. The optimistic science-fiction world of the 1950s is alive and well in the pages of Nikkei TRENDY.


Next entry: Japanese CVS reinventing the corner store


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