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TV+Smartphone=Marketer's Delight

Published By: John on 10/01/12

It’s a marketer’s dream scenario. The customer sees what you’re selling on TV, picks up her smartphone, buys it online or decides to go shopping and check it out.image

The October 1, 2012 issue of Senden Kaigi reports on a recent survey by the HakuhodoDY group’s Smart Device Business Center (smartphone users, MF, teens to 60s, n=1,000). According to this survey, 76% sometimes use smartphones while watching TV, 68% search for products and services advertised by the programs they watch, 25% purchase the products or services online, and 41% check them out at brick and mortar stores when they go shopping. Sounds like a great scenario from a marketer’s perspective?\but how often does this “sometimes” happen? Once in a blue moon? Or frequently? Inquiring minds want to know.


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